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Our Services


What We Offer

Treatment of acute conditions
Homeopathic treatment of many acute conditions in children and adults including but not limited to colds and flu, sore throats and tonsillitis, ear infections, coughs and allergic reactions etc.

Treatment of chronic conditions
Constitutional and tailored treatment of Autoimmune  and other inflammatory conditions, thyroid conditions, migraines, metabolic syndrome, anxiety (in children and adults) and depression to name but a few. 

Allergy testing of foods and environmental allergens
Bioresonance testing of various allergenic foods e.g. milk, gluten, soya, and environmental allergens e.g. pollens, animal fur, mould. 
Densensitization of specific allergies through remedies and/or Autosanguine therapy.


Homeopathic colour and chakra therapy
Balancing the chakras with the use of Homeopathic colour remedies, is a way of directing treatment to an affected area and bringing about quicker relief and healing.

Bioresonance testing 
General Bioresonance testing of various body systems and organs to determine where illness might originate or if there is an imbalance within the body. The Bioresonace machine can also be used to test if remedies are able to correct measured imbalances and help with potency selection.

Supplementation for deficiencies
Vitamins and OTC supplements are used to address any deficiencies or imbalances.

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